Table of Contents

Sabrina Marie Updated by Sabrina Marie

Suggested Quick Start Articles:

Getting Started

Customer Service: Creating Quotes and Sales

Job Scheduler

Shop Work

Other Helpful Articles:

(Articles are listed in alphabetical order. Search articles here.)

Adding Quality Control Inspection Records (QCIR) from Shop Work

Adding QCIR Templates

Closing a Sale

Creating Jobs and Work Orders

Creating Reports on Quotes, Sales, and Outside Reps

Custom Forms

Editing Customers

List View and Single Record View

Printing and Emailing Quotes and Sales

Running Reports


Stopping Work Center or All Running Operations at the End of the Shift

Stored Search (For Admin)

Template Configurations

Triggering Actions with Smart-Clip File Uploads

Viewing/Adding/Resolving Work Order Issues

Wheelhouse Change Log

How did we do?

Wheelhouse Change Log
