Table of Contents

Shop Work

Austin Beveridge Updated by Austin Beveridge

This article covers the basic functions of the Shop Work app.



The Layout of the Shop Work Application

Navigating the Work Scan App

Starting/Stopping/Completing a Work Order

Adding Notes (Work Order, Operation)

Stop all operations for a work center

Adding Work Order Issues

Setting Serial Numbers

Adding Quality Control Inspection Records (QCIR) from Shop Work


The Shop Work app is used by the shop manager and employees to track progress on Work Orders according to the Labor Routings and dates set in the Job Scheduler app.

Shop Work is available as a link in the navigation menu.

The Layout of the Shop Work Application

All views in the Shop Work app have the same toolbar at the top of the page.

The functions are:

  1. Available views:
  • Work Orders List: Open Jobs
  • Work Orders Gantt: Open Jobs (Calendar tool for a project's timeline)

Full guide for The Gantt View

  • Issues: Open Jobs

Full guide for Viewing/Adding/Resolving Work Order Issues

  1. Refresh the page: This may be used if a work order has been added or changes were recently made but they are not visible. (Searching, filtering, or sorting will also refresh the list)
  2. Work Center filter: Select the work center of interest from the list.
  3. Operation time stop: With proper permission, this may be used at the end of the day to end work on all operations.
Operation time stop is only available when filtered to a specific work center!
  1. Filters: Several work order filters are available. All filters selected are cumulative. If more than one filter is selected, the records will be limited by all filters.
  2. Actions and Reports: Additional custom actions and reports may be available in this menu item.
  3. Search Toolbar: Enter text and click the magnifying glass to search the records.
  4. List view area

The Work Scan App is used for working on operations within a work order.

  • In the main menu, navigate to Shop Work and find a work order. Click the external link button Open Work Order as Scanned or scan the work order card.
Work Scan App Layout
  1. Scan operator badge
  2. Confirm the designated work center. To see work center options click the dropdown.
  1. Confirm the Work Order. Click it for more details

  1. Scan or click the operation QR code to start the operation.

Starting/Stopping/Scanning/Completing a Work Order

  1. Navigate to Shop Work and find a work order. Click the external link button Open Work Order as Scanned or scan the work order card.
  1. In the Work Scan App, we can see the current operator, work center, work order, and the current operation that the Work Order.
  2. Click or scan the operation QR code to start the operation timer.
  1. The active operation will appear below, to pause or stop the operation, click or scan the QR code.
  1. In the new window Pause, Complete, or Stop the current operation by scanning/clicking the corresponding button.
Pausing keeps the operation in the tray while Stopping removes it from the tray.
  1. When an operation is completed, and if the next operation is at the same work center, the queue will load automatically into the operation window.
  2. When all operations in a work center are completed, the work order will be transferred to the next work center to continue work.
  1. When the last operation in the work center is complete, it will confirm that all operations are finished in this work center.
When the last operation is completed, the work order will close automatically. If all work orders are done for a job, the job will close automatically.

Start/Stop/Complete From the List View Area

This only applies to Production Managers or above!
Although work orders can be started in the List View Area by certain administrators, we recommend using the Work Scan App when working on an operation whenever possible!
  1. To start work on a work order, push the 'play' button on the desired work order and fill in the popup menu.
    1. Then click the play button start operation time recording. (When the order is being processed, it is highlighted)
  1. To stop work on a work order, push the black 'stop' button on the desired work order.
    1. Fill in the Operation Menu and click Stop operation time recording.

  1. To complete a work order, click the blue checkmark on the desired work order and confirm the action on the popup screen.
  1. Once an order has been completed, it will have a checkered flag icon, and it will also be grayed out.
It can be re-opened by clicking the checker flag icon!

Adding Notes (Work Orders, Operation)

Work order notes appear in the Work Order column next to the work order number.

  1. Click the note icon on a Work Order to view/edit/add a note.

If a note icon is filled in, it currently has a note attached to the Work Order.

Work Order Notes appear at every Work Center. Operation Notes are visible only to the specified operation.

Stopping All Operations for a Work Center

At the end of a shift, the Work Center manager may want to stop all Operations running at their Work Center. This section explains how to do this.

  1. Select a work center.
    Select a work center
  2. Select the Stop All Operations (in selected Work Centers) option from the Stop menu.
stopping work operations

Adding Work Order Issues

Work Order Issues may be used to track and communicate issues encountered at a Work Center during an Operation on a Work Order. Issues are open until resolved and may be viewed from the View menu > All Issues option.

  1. Click the vertical ellipsis icon to the left of the Work Order.

  1. From the menu, click New Issue.
  2. Fill in at least the required fields and click the green 'OK' at the bottom of the screen to save the new/changed issue.

Setting Serial Numbers

  1. Click the vertical ellipsis icon to the left of the work order
  2. From the menu, select Add/Edit Serial Numbers
  1. In the Work Order Serial Numbers slideout window, manually enter a serial number or have one auto-generated.
Once generated, the SN is automatically added to the work order!
For information on changing the priority or order of items in shop work, see the article: Priority Start & Fixed Position
For information on recording inspections, see: Adding Quality Control Inspection Records (QCIR) from Shop Work

Adding Quality Control Inspection Records (QCIR) from Shop Work

Next: Closing a Sale

Previous: Editing Labor Routings

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Bin Locations

Viewing/Adding/Resolving Work Order Issues
