Shop Work and QR Scanning

​Shop Work

This article covers the basic functions of the Shop Work app. Purpose Navigation The Layout of the Shop Work Application Navigating the Work Scan App Starting/Stopping/Completing a Work Order Adding…

Austin Beveridge
Updated by Austin Beveridge

​Viewing/Adding/Resolving Work Order Issues

Viewing/Adding/Resolving Work Order Issues. Purpose of Work Order Issues. Issues may be used to log a problem or make a note about a Work Order. This may include items of concern or comments associat…

Austin Beveridge
Updated by Austin Beveridge

Shop Work: Priority Flags and Fixed Position

Shop Work Priority Options. Management often needs the ability to change the priority of work orders, put them on hold, or sort the work orders at a particular work center for optimal processing. Whe…

Dale Mandeville
Updated by Dale Mandeville

Merge Line Items at a Certain Step (Stash & Merge Functionality)

The Stash & Merge functionality allows users to temporarily store or "stash" work orders at specific points in the production process until they're ready to be merged with other work orders. This doc…

Dale Mandeville
Updated by Dale Mandeville

Stopping Work Center or All Running Operations at the End of the Shift

Purpose of Function. To ensure accurate operation time tracking, Work Center managers should stop all operations at the end of each shift. Stopping operations does not complete them; it merely suspen…

Dale Mandeville
Updated by Dale Mandeville

Bin Locations

Setup of Areas, Bays, and Bin Locations. Bin Numbering Logic. Wheelhouse helps minimize inventory search time by using a formal bin numbering system that connects Area, Bay, and Bin Location to give…

Dale Mandeville
Updated by Dale Mandeville
