Bin Locations

Setup of Areas, Bays, and Bin Locations

Bin Numbering Logic

Wheelhouse helps minimize inventory search time by using a formal bin numbering system that connects Area, Bay, and Bin Location to give an exact position in the facility. The diagram below shows a single Bay with several Bin Locations.

The Bin Location is in the format AREA.BAY.SHELF POSITION

Shelves are numbered from the bottom to the top because it is usually much easier to add shelves to the top than to the bottom!
Bin Location Rules:
• Up to 99 positions per shelf
• Physical widths of bins are irrelevant. The position (count) is the only factor.
• Multiple items may be assigned to one bin location (not recommended)

Setting Up Bin Locations

  1. Open Production > Setup > Area ( or Inventory > Setup > Area )
  2. Open an Area
  3. Select the Bays tab
  4. Click (+) to add a Bay.
  5. Name the Bay. We suggest using numbers 10, 20, 30, etc, since the Bay Number will be part of the Bin Location. For example, AREA.10.201.  Also, skipping from 10 to 20 allows for the insertion of a new bay without re-numbering, for example, adding AREA.15.
  6. Save the Area
  7. Open the Bay to edit
  8. Select the Item Bins tab
  9. Add the highest bin location to get a visual of your bay quickly. This is the top right shelf since shelves are numbered from bottom to top, left to right.
For example: if I have 8 locations on the top shelf, add bin location 508.
  1. Select the item to put in that location and click the link button.
  2. Click on empty locations to add additional items. Click on existing bin locations to remove or edit them.
To quickly add positions for all locations on a shelf, add a bin location for the rightmost (highest) position on that shelf.

Connecting Bays to a Work Center

Associating a bay with a Work Center tells Wheelhouse that the bay is in close proximity to the Work Center. This is helpful for inventory picking and Work Order Stash locations.

  1. Open Production > Setup > Work Center
  2. Select a Work Center to edit
  3. Verify that the Work Center is in the same Area as the Bay(s) you're connecting.
  4. Select the Bays tab and use the (+) button to find and add the associated Bays.
  1. Save and Exit

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