Items and Configurators

Item Overrides: Name, Pricing, and Discounts

This article explains how to set override pricing on an item for a specific customer in Wheelhouse. This is useful for granting special pricing or discounts to certain customers or for assigning spec…

Austin Beveridge
Updated by Austin Beveridge

Public Item Selector AKA Public Display Categories

Introduction. Public Display Categories (PDC) in Wheelhouse offer an effective way to organize and present items, be they configured or non-configured, to users. This system ensures that users experi…

Dale Mandeville
Updated by Dale Mandeville

Deploying A Configurator to Another Environment

Exporting the Configurator. 1. Exporting Item Bill of Materials. Navigate to the root item of the configurator that you would like to export (this is the item that you target with the configurator re…

Byron Norman
Updated by Byron Norman

Item and BOM Import Action

Update (or import) an item list from an Excel spreadsheet. Warning: Changes made with this update and import action may not be un-done! Start small... test with 1 or 2 rows. Export an Excel spreadshe…

Byron Norman
Updated by Byron Norman
