Public Item Selector AKA Public Display Categories


Public Display Categories (PDC) in Wheelhouse offer an effective way to organize and present items, be they configured or non-configured, to users. This system ensures that users experience a seamless and intuitive product selection process.

Setting Up Public Display Categories:

  1. Initialize the ItemType:

Verify that the ItemTypePublicDisplayCategoryis available, or create it.

  1. Creating the Root:

The hierarchy starts with an Item named_ROOT_PDC_, with its ItemType set to PublicDisplayCategory. This acts as the root or parent for the entire hierarchy. If the item doesn't exist, create it.

  1. Understanding Hierarchies:

Product categories can often be set in hierarchies, where main categories have sub-categories. For instance, 'Electronics' can be a main category with 'Mobile Phones', 'Laptops', and 'Audio Devices' as sub-categories.

  1. Bill of Materials (BOM):

The display structure is determined by the BOM of the _ROOT_PDC_. Any component item in the BOM with an ItemType PublicDisplayCategory will be showcased as a PDC. The PDC BOM may be edited using the Item Designer as pictured.

  1. Creating a New Category:
  • If an item exists for the PDC, drag it from the items list into the desired BOM location.
  • If the item doesn't exist, create a new item with ItemType=PublicDisplayCategory. This can be accomplished using the 3-dot menu in the Item Designer.
  1. Assigning Products to Categories:
  • From the list of items on the left, drag the Product into the correct location in the BOM tree.
  1. Rearranging Display Order:
  • In the Item Designer, drag and drop categories to rearrange their order. If the category is nested under another category, you can remove it and re-add it from the item list on the left.
  1. DisplayName:
  • The DisplayName of a PDC is showcased beneath its image.
  • For PDCs without aDisplayName, only the image is displayed.
  • If an image is absent, the system defaults to showing either the DisplayName or, if that isn't available, the Name.


  1. Accessing PDC Selector:

The PDC selector becomes immediately visible upon selecting +Add Item in Order Management.

  1. External User Settings:

The setting labeled "Public Item Selector" governs the visibility of the PDC to external users:

  • Search: The PDC is hidden from external users.
  • Browse & Search/Browse: Exposes the PDC to external users.

Best Practices:

  1. Consistency: Ensure that products are categorized consistently to avoid confusion.
  2. Review Periodically: Market trends change. Regularly review your categories to ensure they still align with your product offerings and customer expectations.
  3. Use Clear Names: Category names should be intuitive and descriptive, helping users understand what to expect.
  4. Image Consistency: To maintain a professional appearance, use images of consistent sizes.
  5. ActiveThru Date: If the _ROOT_PDC_ item lacks an active through (ActiveThru) date or if there are no active items, the PDC system will not function as intended.


The Public Display Categories in Wheelhouse play a pivotal role in streamlining the item selection process, both for internal and external users. Proper setup and management guarantee a user-friendly experience and efficient order management.

For any further assistance or queries, please contact our support team.

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