Public Item Selector AKA Public Display Categories

Dale Mandeville Updated by Dale Mandeville


Public Display Categories (PDC) in Wheelhouse offer an effective way to organize and present items, be they configured or non-configured, to users. This system ensures that users experience a seamless and intuitive product selection process.

Setting Up Public Display Categories:

  1. Initialize the ItemType:

Verify that the ItemTypePublicDisplayCategoryis available, or create it.

  1. Creating the Root:

The hierarchy starts with an Item named_ROOT_PDC_, with its ItemType set to PublicDisplayCategory. This acts as the root or parent for the entire hierarchy. If the item doesn't exist, create it.

  1. Understanding Hierarchies:

Product categories can often be set in hierarchies, where main categories have sub-categories. For instance, 'Electronics' can be a main category with 'Mobile Phones', 'Laptops', and 'Audio Devices' as sub-categories.

  1. Bill of Materials (BOM):

The display structure is determined by the BOM of the _ROOT_PDC_. Any component item in the BOM with an ItemType PublicDisplayCategory will be showcased as a PDC. The PDC BOM may be edited using the Item Designer as pictured.

  1. Creating a New Category:
  • If an item exists for the PDC, drag it from the items list into the desired BOM location.
  • If the item doesn't exist, create a new item with ItemType=PublicDisplayCategory. This can be accomplished using the 3-dot menu in the Item Designer.
  1. Assigning Products to Categories:
  • From the list of items on the left, drag the Product into the correct location in the BOM tree.
  1. Rearranging Display Order:
  • In the Item Designer, drag and drop categories to rearrange their order. If the category is nested under another category, you can remove it and re-add it from the item list on the left.
  1. DisplayName:
  • The DisplayName of a PDC is showcased beneath its image.
  • For PDCs without aDisplayName, only the image is displayed.
  • If an image is absent, the system defaults to showing either the DisplayName or, if that isn't available, the Name.


  1. Accessing PDC Selector:

The PDC selector becomes immediately visible upon selecting +Add Item in Order Management.

  1. External User Settings:

The setting labeled "Public Item Selector" governs the visibility of the PDC to external users:

  • Search: The PDC is hidden from external users.
  • Browse & Search/Browse: Exposes the PDC to external users.

Best Practices:

  1. Consistency: Ensure that products are categorized consistently to avoid confusion.
  2. Review Periodically: Market trends change. Regularly review your categories to ensure they still align with your product offerings and customer expectations.
  3. Use Clear Names: Category names should be intuitive and descriptive, helping users understand what to expect.
  4. Image Consistency: To maintain a professional appearance, use images of consistent sizes.
  5. ActiveThru Date: If the _ROOT_PDC_ item lacks an active through (ActiveThru) date or if there are no active items, the PDC system will not function as intended.


The Public Display Categories in Wheelhouse play a pivotal role in streamlining the item selection process, both for internal and external users. Proper setup and management guarantee a user-friendly experience and efficient order management.

For any further assistance or queries, please contact our support team.

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