Item and BOM Import Action

Update (or import) an item list from an Excel spreadsheet

Warning: Changes made with this update and import action may not be un-done! Start small... test with 1 or 2 rows.
  1. Export an Excel spreadsheet from the item list in Wheelhouse or create an Excel spreadsheet with columns for part number and any of the optional columns listed below:
    Part Number (required)
    Optional Columns:
    Display Name
    Item Type
    Mrp Number
    Max Discount Pct
    Sale Level
    Unit Price
    Product Line
    Config Category
  2. The action recognizes the following options for each field in the spreadsheet and will take action according to the field's entry.

    Field Value

    Action Upon Import

    Action Upon Update

    Empty Field

    Field will be left empty

    No changes made to existing data

    Any Valid Value

    Field will be assigned the value

    New value will overwrite anything already in the field

    The word BLANK

    Field will be left empty

    Data in field will be deleted

  3. Run the Item/Update Items action from the Item List
  4. Select the Item list import from the Import Mode dropdown.
  5. You can also specify how the import action will behave during the import.




    Update or Create Items: If a part number is not found, a new item will be created with the given part number.

    Update Existing Only: If a part number is not found, that row of the spreadsheet will be skipped.

    Allow creation of new part numbers

    When selected, new part numbers will be assigned if the part number column is blank. If not selected, rows with blank part numbers will be skipped.

    Skip Items with External Number

    Rows in spreadsheet with a defined External Number will be skipped.

Update (or import) a Bill of Materials from an Excel spreadsheet

Warning: Changes made with this update and import function may not be un-done (easily)! Start small... test with 1 or 2 rows.
  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet with the columns listed below:
    Level (required, indicates the BOM level, first item in the spreadsheet must be level 0)
    Part Number (required)
    Quantity (required, quantity per parent)
    Pick Type (optional, may be empty, Required, or Standard)
  2. Run the Item/Update Items action from the Item List
  3. Select the BOM import from the Import Mode dropdown.

Update/Import and Item List and Bill of Materials Simultaneously

When you are adding completely new products to the system, sometimes the item list and bill of materials are combined.

Warning: Changes made with this update and import function may not be un-done! Start small... test with 1 or 2 rows.
  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet with the columns listed below:
    Level (required, indicates the BOM level, first item in the spreadsheet must be level 0)
    Part Number (required)
    Quantity (required, quantity per parent)
    Pick Type (optional, may be empty, Required, or Standard)
    Optional Columns:
    Display Name
    Item Type
    Mrp Number
    Max Discount Pct
    Sale Level
    Unit Price
    Product Line
    Config Category
  2. The action recognizes the following options for each field in the spreadsheet and will take action according to the fields entry.

    Field Value

    Action Upon Import

    Action Upon Update

    Empty Field

    Field will be left empty

    No changes made to existing data

    Any Valid Value

    Field will be assigned the value

    New value will overwrite anything already in the field

    The word BLANK

    Field will be left empty

    Data in field will be deleted

  3. Run the Item/Update Items action from the Item List
  4. Select the Item list and BOM import from the Import Mode dropdown.


  • You can utilize the Export BOM action from single item records to export the current BOM to an excel file. You can then modify this file and reimport it using the Item/Update Items action.

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