Deploying A Configurator to Another Environment

Exporting the Configurator

1. Exporting Item Bill of Materials

  1. Navigate to the root item of the configurator that you would like to export (this is the item that you target with the configurator record). Items -> Item -> and select the root item.
  2. Select the Export BOM action under the Actions dropdown in the ITEM BOM ACTIONS section.

  1. Configure the export as needed and save the Excel file where you can locate it later.

2. Exporting Configurator Record

  1. Navigate to the configurator record under Items -> Configurator -> and select a configurator.
  2. Select the Export Configurator To Json action from the actions dropdown menu.
  3. Save the resulting file somewhere you can find it later.

3. Exporting Configurator Rules

  1. While still in the Configurator record, navigate to the Rules tab
  1. Go to each rule record in the list, this can be achieved easily by clicking the little pencil icon of each record in the list.
  1. Select the Export Rule Definition To Json action from the action dropdown menu.
  1. Save the resulting file somewhere you can find it later. (Do this for every rule in the list)

Importing the Configurator

Import Report

  1. Navigate to Items -> Item
  2. Select Import Report from the action dropdown menu. (If this option is missing, please alert the Ridgeline team.)
  1. Upload the Excel file that contains the item bill of materials
  2. Resolve any issues that the report may have found.
The import report will look for the modification of any items that already exist in the system and will tell you what you will be changing if you continue with the import.

Import Bill of Material

You may need to run this action multiple times to import the BOM and/or images and/or item patterns.
  1. Go to the Item List view
  2. Select the Import/Update Items action from the action dropdown menu
  1. Upload the Excel file that contains the item bill of materials and select the import options you need. Below is a table with the action options and what they do.



Import Mode

Item list import: Imports items and ignores BOM

BOM import: Will try to arrange existing items into a BOM

Item list and BOM import: Import items and arrange them into a BOM (Recommended)

Images Import: Import images from Excel sheet (items have to already exist)

Item Pattern Import: Import item pattern from Excel sheet (items have to already exist)


Update or Create Items: Will create new items in the system (Recommended)

Update Existing Only: Will not create new items in the system

Allow creation of new part numbers

When selected, new part numbers will be assigned if the part number column is blank. (Only applies to item imports not BOM imports, part numbers are required for BOM imports)

Skip Items with External Number

When selected, items with an external number will be skipped. (Not recommended if Import Report is indicates this is safe)

Import Configurator Rules

This is the inverse of the export process, you need to import the rules before you import the configurator record itself.
  1. Go to the Rule Definition list view
  2. Select the Import Rule Definition from Json File action from the action dropdown menu
  1. Upload an exported rule definition .json file.
  2. Do steps 1-3 for each rule definition exported from original configurator
You will need to double check that everything imported correctly in the new rule definition. Combination facts are especially likely to not be copied. Note that any script will need to be copied manually. This is not a fully tested and implemented functionality.

Import Configurator

  1. Navigate to Items -> Configurator
  2. Select the Import Configurator from Json File action from the action dropdown menu
  1. Upload the exported configurator .json file.
Ensure that everything is imported as expected and test configurator thoroughly in new environment!

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