Appendix A: Trestle®/Dino Script® Integration

​A: Commands

Each Dino Script™ can either be applicable to any record type, or to a specific record type. Here we are going to create a new script called "Dino Cookbook" (if you are working on a system where mult…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Table of Contents

Introduction. Commands. Creating/Running a Command. Command Arguments. Advanced Command Arguments. Files. Host and Target. Anatomy of a Script Event. Dynamic and DynamicProxy. System Logs. Direct Lin…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Dynamic and DynamicProxy

Dynamic Properties and the DynamicProxy Class. Dino Scripts™ are ideal for reporting. However, just returning a set of built-in objects is rarely enough to generate a report that will make sense to t…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Advanced Command Arguments

Parameter Declarations and the Trestle® Environment. We are going to be jumping ahead a bit here, so don't worry if you don't understand this next section of code completely. All the potential pitfal…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Introduction

Dino is not intended as a standalone language; rather it is a "script-integrated" system. This appendix will consider how Dino integrates into the Trestle framework. Trestle is an ORM (object-relatio…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Files

File Uploads in Commands. Commands can also provide controls for file uploads. The handling for files must be somewhat different than for simple strings and numbers, because uploading a file involves…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Direct Links - URLs and Downloads

A Dino command record can be marked as a link. This command should be connected to a command function that takes no arguments and returns a string that will be interpreted as a link. When this type o…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Running SQL Queries

Harmony provides Dino with extensions and convenience classes to execute arbitrary SQL queries and return dynamic objects. Using the techniques outlined in Parameter Declarations and the Trestle Envi…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: NPOI and Excel, DocX and Word

Beyond simply using the host.excel() method, there are many ways to run queries or get lists of records and populate Excel files for download. The host.excel() method is great for a quick, single-she…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Embedded Apps with MS Access Files

Microsoft Access files can be uploaded then manipulated using OleDb , which is a database driver that can access various types of database engines. For all these examples, we'll be using this uploade…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Returning JSON Data

Dynamic objects, even hierarchies of dynamic objects, can be easily converted to JSON using the Newtonsoft JSON class library. Lists that are properties of the dynamic object will become arrays in th…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Host and Target

Storing the User's Previous Entries. There are times we would like to persist the user's last entries across invocations of the same command. Harmony extends Dino to allow setting user data that pers…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Command Arguments

Adding Arguments. Our first command does not require any input from the user other than pressing the Run button. Commands are usually more useful if we can collect some information from the user. Let…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron

A: Creating/Running a Command

Writing a Command Function. A command function in Harmony is simply a Dino function with a specific signature. The function name starts with the letters "cmd" (lowercase). It can be defined with any…

Scott Waldron
Updated by Scott Waldron
