External Agent Access Levels

Dale Mandeville Updated by Dale Mandeville

Wheelhouse system owners may allow limited access to Wheelhouse for their External Agents such as Manufacturer's Representatives and Dealer Agents. Depending on the options selected, External Agents may be able to see their dashboard, create quotes and sales, convert quotes to sales, or edit adjust access for other external agents or their Dealership.

Allowing Access to External Agents (Reps and Dealers)

In order for an External Agent to access the Wheelhouse Outside Sales Application, they must be listed as Dealer Contact in the Outside Sales Application and must have an Access Level other than None. The following table explains the system access granted to each type of External Agent.

Access Levels
  • None: Block contact's access for the location
  • Non-Login, Notifications: Block contact's access for the location but allow notifications emails to be sent to the user.
  • ReadOnly: View all quotes & sales for the location
  • OwnedRecordsOnly: View and Edit Owned quotes & sales for the location
  • OwnedRecords: View and Edit Owned quotes & sales they created for the location PLUS View all quotes & sales for the location
  • Standard: View and Edit all quotes and sales for the location
  • Admin: View and Edit all quotes and sales for the location PLUS Add contacts for the location

This table explains the access granted to each type of Contact/External Agent in more detail.

Access Level


Unowned Records

Owned Records

(Records they created)

Customer Fields


Block contact's access for the location

No Access

No Access

No Access

Non-Login, Notifications

Associate contact's email address with the location without providing login access.

No Access

No Access

No Access


View all quotes & sales for the location

Allow the contact to view the records associated with the dealer to which they have access. Does not allow editing of the records.





View and Edit Owned quotes & sales for the location

Allow the contact to view and edit only the records that they created or for which they have been given ownership.

No Access




View and Edit Owned quotes & sales they created for the location

PLUS View all quotes & sales for the location

Allow the contact to view the records for the dealer(s) to which they have access while only allowing editing of the records that they own.





View and Edit all quotes and sales for the location

Allow the contact to edit all records for the location.





View and Edit all quotes and sales for the location

PLUS Add contacts for the location

Allow the contact to edit all records for the location and add contacts for the location.



Limited Editing

How did we do?

Creating customers, quotes and sales

Printing and Emailing Quotes and Sales
