Adding Dealer and Outside Rep Logins

Austin Beveridge Updated by Austin Beveridge

This article explains how to add logins that allow a dealer agent access to a certain dealer account.


To add logins to contacts, you must be logged into a system that has Dealer Access enabled and an account with the necessary permissions:

  • External Users: Must be a Dealer Contact with an Access Level of Admin
  • Internal Users: Profile must include the Role of Dealer Access Administrator

Adding a Contact and Contact Login

  1. In the left menu, navigate to Order Management and edit a customer under the Customers tab.
If you don't see a Customers tab, ask your administrator to review your permissions.
  1. Select the Contacts tab, enter the email address of the contact, and click the person-add icon.
If the email you entered connects to an existing contact, skip step 3.
  1. Enter the contact's First and Last name.
  2. Select the Access Level from the dropdown

Clicking on the person-lock icon will trigger a dialog asking if you want to send a password reset email to the contact.
  1. Select the contact's access level. The access level determines how much the new contact can do. The permissions provided for each access level are:
    1. NoneBlock the contact's access to the location
    2. Non Login, Notifications: Blocked access but can receive notifications.
    3. ReadOnlyView all quotes & sales for the location
    4. OwnedRecordsOnlyView and Edit Owned quotes & sales for the location
    5. OwnedRecordsView and Edit Owned quotes & sales they created for the location PLUS View all quotes & sales for the location
    6. StandardView and Edit all quotes and sales for the location
    7. AdminView and Edit all quotes and sales for the location PLUS Add contacts for the location
  2. Select the person-shield icon to create a login for the user. Existing users will logins will have a person-lock icon.

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Using Order Flags and the Flag First Configs Option
