QZ Print and the Zebra GX430t Label Printer Setup

Setting up the Zebra GX430t Label Printer and QZ Print

  1. If the printer is already installed on the computer, skip to step 6.
  2. Make sure the printer is not connected to the computer.
  3. Download the GX430t Driver Kit from: https://www.zebra.com/us/en/support-downloads/printers/desktop/gx430t.html
  4. Install Drivers for GX430t (do not use EPL driver)
  5. After installing drivers, if the printer doesn't automatically connect, use Windows printer setup to manually setup printer: Manual -> Local--> Port: USB aliasing
  6. From the browser, download and install QZ print from https://qz.io/
    QZ Print provides Wheelhouse with access to your local printer for direct printing.
    QZ Print requires Java.
  7. Test label printing from Wheelhouse.
  8. Troubleshooting:
    Contact our support team or try testing the printer from https://www.wheelhousemfg.com/print/#rawContent

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