Integrating Wheelhouse with QuickBooks Online

Integrating Wheelhouse with QuickBooks Online streamlines your CPQ processes with efficient accounting.

Please note that Wheelhouse is currently only able to integrate with QuickBooks Online (QBO). If you use QuickBooks Desktop you'll need to migrate to QuickBooks Online before you can integrate with Wheelhouse. Administrator access to both Wheelhouse and QuickBooks Online is required.

If your Wheelhouse URL is not then you will need to have your Wheelhouse URL whitelisted for QuickBooks. Please contact the Ridgeline team to have this done.

1. Preparing Wheelhouse

Create pricing and territory records in preparation for customer records from QBO:

  1. Create Pricing Tiers (Left menu -> Sales -> Setup -> Pricing Tier)
  2. Create Account Terms (Left menu -> Sales -> Setup -> Account Terms)
  3. Add Territories if needed (Left menu -> Sales -> Setup -> Territory)
  4. Add Outside Reps if needed Left menu -> Representatives -> Outside Rep)

2. Configuring Wheelhouse Settings

Before integrating, adjust a few key settings in Wheelhouse:

  1. QuickBooks Debug Mode: Set to false for standard operation.
  2. QuickBooks Events Enabled: Enable this by setting to true for data synchronization.
  3. QuickBooks Environment: Set to production in most situations.
  4. Line Item Settings: Set according to your company's policy.

3. Performing the Integration

  1. Navigate to QBO and log in with an administrator account.
  2. Navigate to Wheelhouse and log in with an administrator account. Then in the left menu navigate to System -> Company -> Division.
  3. Select the "QuickBooks Connect" action from the lightning menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  4. Click the "Connect to QuickBooks" button to initiate the integration process.
  5. Finalizing in QBO. When redirected to QBO, authorize Wheelhouse to access your data.

4. Pulling and Adjusting Data from QBO

Pull customers from QBO:

  1. Navigate to customer list (Left menu -> Sales -> Customers -> Dealer or Direct customer)
  2. Run the "Import Customers" action from the lightning menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Make sure to uncheck the "View Actions" option and check the "Create Customer Records" option. You may need to refresh the page after running the action.
  3. Review imported records and inspect for any issues.

You may need to adjust some of the records that are imported.

  • Customers with Parent Organizations in QBO may not sync perfectly. You may need to change the name of the imported parent organization in Wheelhouse. Parent Organizations selected in Wheelhouse will be sent to QBO.
  • The Credit Status of imported customers may need to be set to a default value. You can use the "Bulk Update Customer Info" action from the lightning menu to accomplish this.
  • Update Territories on Customers.
  • Assign Account Numbers if needed.
If you get a customer save error, it is probably coming from QBO. There may be a Project with the same name as a Customer in QBO.

Connect to existing QBO Account Terms in Wheelhouse:

  1. Create the Terms with the exact same name used in QBO (if they don't already exist)
  2.  Link each Term to QBO using the 3-dot menu. (see image)


Once you've completed these steps, Wheelhouse and QuickBooks Online should be successfully integrated. This integration will allow for more efficient management of quotes, pricing, and accounting processes, ensuring that your business operates more cohesively. As always, if you encounter any issues during the integration process, consult the support resources available for both Wheelhouse and QuickBooks Online, or contact their customer support for assistance.

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