Adding a User

Austin Beveridge Updated by Austin Beveridge

This guide will demonstrate how to create an Authorized User for your organization.

Adding a User

Management or Administrator privileges are required to add users. Please log in with an account that has the necessary access.
  1. In the left menu, navigate to the appropriate area where your employee will be working from
    1. For personal employees, navigate to Personnel -> Employee
    2. For sales representatives, navigate to Sales -> Representatives -> Sales Rep
    3. For Outside representatives, navigate to Sales -> Representatives -> Outside Rep
  2. Click the (+) or (+ New) button to add a new user.
  3. Add the First Name, Last Name, and Email, and click the Save icon to create the new user.
  4. Under Login Info, you can now add a Public Name and a Profile ID from the drop-down.
  1. Click the Save icon again to save the user changes.
The new user can now log in and set their password using their email.

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