Understanding Wheelhouse Login Types

Dale Mandeville Updated by Dale Mandeville

Understanding Wheelhouse Login Types

Effective user access management is crucial for both security and operational efficiency. This article will explain the various login types available in Wheelhouse, focusing on how these login types relate to access levels and system costs.

Why Login Types Matter

  1. Access Control: Different roles require varying levels of access to system features and data.
  2. Cost Management: Some login types allow for shared access, potentially reducing per-user licensing costs.
  3. Operational Flexibility: Various login options accommodate different work environments and user roles.
  4. Accountability: Certain login types enable tracking of individual user actions, even on shared devices.

Wheelhouse Login Types

Dedicated Login

Access Level: Can be assigned any role, offering the most flexibility

Cost Implication: Highest cost per user


* Unique username and password for each user

* Full access to authorized areas based on assigned role

* Activity tracked to the specific user

Best For Management, office staff, customer service representatives

Shared Login

Access Level: Restricted to 'Production Agent' role

Cost Implication: Allows multiple 'Employee Badge Logins' to access the system through a single Shared Login, reducing per-user costs for production employees.


* Single set of credentials used by multiple users

* Can be used simultaneously on multiple devices

* Limited to production-related functions

* Has one default work center

Best For Factory floor workers, shift teams

Employee Badge Login

Access Level: Works in conjunction with Shared Login, inheriting 'Production Agent' role

Cost Implication: Allows multiple 'Employee Badge Logins' to access the system through a single Shared Login, reducing per-user costs for production employees.


* Physical badge with QR code identifies individual users

* Provides accountability for actions performed under a Shared Login

Best For Production staff needing to log work or access specific functions

Outside Sales Representative Login

Access Level: Uses the "External User" role

Cost Implication: Nominal in comparison to Dedicated Logins


* Access restricted to Order Management System

* Data filtered to show only assigned territory

* Limited ability to create quotes or view order status

Best For Independent sales representatives or agencies

Dealer Salesperson Login

Access Level: Uses the "External User" role

Cost Implication: Nominal in comparison to Dedicated Logins


* Access limited to Order Management System

* Data filtered based on assigned permissions (individual or dealer-wide)

* Can create quotes, convert to sales, and view order status

Best For Dealership sales staff, dealer principals

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User Profiles and Roles

Choosing a User Profile
