Production Definitions

Sabrina Marie Updated by Sabrina Marie

This article contains general definitions that are related to Production.

Highlighted/Capitalized Words in a definition refer to another word defined in this article.


A way to group Work Centers. Multiple Areas make up a Facility in a company.


The times that an Employee or piece of Equipment is available.


An individual who works for the company. An Employee conducts Operations at a Work Center.


A machine or other asset. May be available at a specific Work Center.


A Job corresponds to a single Sale and encompasses one or more Work Orders related to the Sale Items. There is one Job for each Sale.

Jobs: Completed Job

A Job in which all Work Orders are Completed Work Orders and which has been converted from an Open Job to a Completed Job.

Jobs: Open Job

A Job that is on the floor that is available to be built with Open Work Orders.

Jobs: Planning Job

A Job used for planning purposes, but does not need to be built.

Labor Routing

The series of steps (the path) that an item goes through during the production process.


A process or action that takes place at a Work Center and uses a specific amount of time. Operations take place at a Work Center on a Work Order.

Operation Type

A categorization for Operations.

Priority Type

The level of urgency on a Work Order. A Priority Type helps communicate how important something is to the production floor.

Priority Types enable sorting of Work Orders in Shop Work.

Quality Issue (Category)

Categorization of Work Order Issues. Work Order Issues are created in Shop Work.


Something sold to a Customer. A Sale may be created from a Quote. Each Sale has exactly one Job. Each Sale may have one or more Sale Items.

Sale Item

An item on a Sale. Each Sale Item may have one or more Work Orders.

Shop Work

Wheelhouse area for production Employees to view Work Orders and start/stop work.

Work Center

The location at which work takes place. Employees carry out Operations on a Work Order at a Work Center. Multiple Operations make take place at one Work Center. Areas typically contain multiple Work Centers.

Work Order

A definition of work that needs to be completed. Each Sale Item may have one or more Work Orders. All Work Orders for a Sale are grouped under a Job.

Work Orders: Completed Work Order

A Work Order on which all work is done.

Work Orders: Open Work Order

A Work Order on which all work has not been finished.

Work Orders: Partial Work Order

A special type of Open Work Order that was split off of another Open Work Order.

Work Orders: Rework Order

A special type of Open Work Order for something that needs to be reworked/repaired.

Work Orders: Work Order Issue

A list of issues that have been attached to a Work Order.

See Viewing/Adding/Resolving Work Order Issues.

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