Document Auto Number Format

Document Numbering Sequence and Auto Generation Format

Wheelhouse automatically assigns identification numbers to Items, Quote, Sales, Invoices, Work Orders, Jobs, Serial Numbers, and Purchases. The next sequence number and formatting of each number are adjustable.

Auto Generation Format

In System Settings, each Auto Generation Format is defined. The default format 01-12345 is designed to be easy to remember since humans can easily remember 7 digits when separated into groups of no more than five digits.

  • The default base format is {0:00}-{1:00000}, resulting in a number format like 01-99999.
  • The format is defined based on standard programming notation where 0: and 1: represent the two parts of the number and 0's are used to denote how many leading zeros (left padding) will be used.
  • Outside of the brackets{ }, other characters may be added. For example, S-{0:00}-{1:00000} could be used for a Sale record and would produce a Sale Number like S-01-00001.
  • If the sequence maxes out to 01-99999, the next number set would be 02-00000 through 02-99999.
  • The {0:0} part can be excluded from the formatting; however, the {1:0} part is required. When the {1:00000} format reaches 99999, the next number would be 100000; when it reaches 199999, the next number will be 200000; and so on indefinitely. There is not an upper limit.
  • Formatting the number as S-{1:0} provides no left padding, so it will result in a number like S-14.

Starting Number / Next Sequence Number

Each of the following has its own sequence:

  • Sale: Shared between Quote and Sale to ensure the same number is not used for both types
  • Invoice: Invoices are sequentially numbered in their own sequence for better tracking
  • Item
  • Purchase
  • Work Order: Shared with Work Order and Job Number to ensure the same number is not used for both types
  • Serial Number
  • Card: Use for Kanban and Reorder Card Printing

The starting Sequence Number will be adjusted upon request. It is typically set up during initial implementation and is rarely changed.

Please email if you would like to update your current sequence number or need help with number formatting.

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