A: Anatomy of a Script Event

Dale Mandeville Updated by Dale Mandeville

OnInform and the Trestle Repository

The following e.Info strings that are available for an onInform(sender, e) event:

namespace Trestle.Data
/// <summary>
/// Convenience enum to call the RaiseInform() method of IHandleInfo
/// implementers. NEVER change these names, because IHandleInfo expects
/// a string value, so event handlers will convert this value to a
/// string before deciding on a course of action.
/// </summary>

public enum RepositoryOperation
/// <summary>
/// The item was created by the repository using the standard
/// <see cref="IRepository.Create(StringKey)"/> method.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The item was created by the repository using either the
/// standard <see cref="IRepository.Create(StringKey)"/> method
/// or <see cref="IRepository.CreateFrom(string)"/> method.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The item was created by the repository using the non-
/// standard <see cref="IRepository.CreateFrom(string)"/>
// method.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// Raised when ownership keys are navigated to a child record.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The item will be edited in some way.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The item will possibly be saved to the data store.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The record will possibly be saved, and has been validated.
/// This is the last operation before the record is enlisted in
/// a transaction. NOTE: No side-effects from the repository
/// are allowed after this. If the record was not going to be
/// saved, but a change here makes it so that it will be, it is
/// the responsibility of the implementer to also set things
/// like modification date, etc.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The item was permanently saved to the data store for the
/// first time.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The item was permanently saved to the data store. Note that
/// this is always raised, whether the item was new or not.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The existing item was permanently saved to the data store.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The item will be deleted from the data store.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// The item was permanently deleted from the data store.
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// An unknown or invalid operation.
/// </summary>


// This example is for: OpenSale to intercept and change the SaleNumber.
def onInform(sender, e) {
// this could almost be onRepositoryOperation(...)
if e.Info == 'Created' {
sender.SaleNumber = sender.SaleNumber.Replace('S-01-', 'S');

Avoid OnPropertyChanged

Properties are accessible on the sender but this method is not recommended. Use OnDataChanged instead.

// This function checks for a due date change and adds to the notes
// field if it has.


from System import Environment, DateTime;


//Truncate DateTime to Day
def TruncToDay(dt)
return DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day);


def onInform(sender, e) {
if e.Info == 'Saving' {
var trk = sender.GetTracker();
if not trk.IsNew {
if trk.ChangedProperties.ContainsKey('DateDue') {
var oldValue = trk.ChangedProperties['DateDue'];
if oldValue {
var newValue = sender.DateDue;

// verify date (ie. month/day/year) has actually
// changed and then add a note to the note field
if TruncToDay(newValue) != TruncToDay(oldValue){
var notes = sender.Notes ?? '';
notes += string.Format("On {0:yyyy-MM-dd}, the due date
was changed from {1:yyyy-MM-dd} to {2:yyyy-MM-dd}
by {3}{4}", DateTime.Today, oldValue, newValue,
host.user().Identity.Name, Environment.NewLine);
sender.Notes = notes;

How to Use OnDataChanged

We'll be expanding the documentation in this section soon. Please contact us if you have questions.

Raising a Custom Inform Event on Another Object

We'll be expanding the documentation in this section soon. Please contact us if you have questions.

How did we do?
