Introduction to Dino Script®
Dino Script™ is a script-oriented programming language. This means Dino stores its program text in scripts (which could be a file, database record, etc.), but also allows importing in a manner that mimics traditional object-oriented programming.
Consider the following snippets:
// module1.dino
def rex(a, b) {
return a + b;
// module2.dino
import script 'module1.dino' as t; // aliased import
def raptor(c) {
return t.rex(3, 4) + c;
Dino Script was created to fill a hole. It is fundamentally designed as a "script-oriented" programming language that could be safely used from a web application context, even when in the hands of non-admin users. In contrast to most general purpose programming languages, Dino was designed to have sandboxes integrated at the most fundamental level.
Document Conventions
There are a large number of code snippets available in this document. Because Dino is meant to be integrated into another .NET framework application, we need to show both Dino and C# code (the integrated code). Dino code is shown in this color:
def foo(x, y){}
Code inside a snippit that needs to be highlighted is shown like this with darker, bolder text.
def fooTwo(x, y, z=10){
// Note that the z=10 param with default is highlighted
C# code is shown in a different color but the same monospace font.
public class Product : IProduct
public string Name
// ...
When code needs to be truncated and indicate that something comes before or after, it's indicated with a comment start [//] followed by an ellipses [...]
def foo(x, y){
// ...
return x + y;