Blocks and Scopes

Dino uses braces { and } as block delimiters. A block in Dino defines a new scope where symbols reside. The top scope (anything not within {}) is called the global scope. Symbol redefinition is considered an error in Dino syntax. A symbol from an enclosing (parent) scope will be visible in a child scope, however the reverse is not true.

var x = 0; // this is in the global scope

var y = 0; // this is in a child scope
x += 10; // setting x from the global scope

var z = 0;
if true {
var z = 0; // error, symbol redefinition of z

var a = 0;
var a = 1; // ok, we are in different scope

var b = 0;
b = 10; // error, unknown symbol b

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